Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Buddhist Prints, San Francisco
Member Since December 2013
Artist Statement When you make a purchase from our site, you will not only get a physical gift, but also so much more. 100% of the profits from all sales go toward helping a Buddhist monk live and study.

Imagine how big your gift really can be. It is not only a gift for a friend or loved one, but a way of aiding another human life. Finally, it is a gift for yourself and the world, as the monks send out their prayers of love and peace.

A monk can be supported for an entire year, paying for all food, lodging and education for only $300. To date Buddhist Prints has raised enough money to support 10 monks for a year and we look forward to supporting many more with your help.

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Product No 5159331
Tags Buddhist, Prints