Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Marcy Brennan, Fort Pierce, FL
Member Since December 2011
Artist Statement Creating and painting is as much a part of me as my wild curly hair! I simply cannot imagine not being able to walk into my studio and paint whatever inspires me—something beautiful and colorful. My love of color goes back to my earliest memories of childhood around the age of 3. I can still picture the sparkling ruby reds, emerald greens and cobalt blues of my aunt’s Depression Glass pieces sitting on her coffee table. They just stopped me in my toddler’s tracks. I sat there drinking in the glorious colors with my eyes (with my mother’s admonition in my ear not to touch) and marveling at the incredible beauty of it.

It’s no surprise then, that color has been the driving force in my art, be it landscapes and flowers in oils and watercolor or abstracts in acrylics. I could never find contentment in drawing classes because I longed to play with color instead of graphite and charcoal.

The Fauvists are my inspiration. They favored color over representational or realistic values and made color king. This is why I am so happy to have begun moving into the realm of abstract art. It allows me to focus primarily on color and how colors create movement and interact with each other. I also enjoy plein air painting with fellow artists and capturing the colorful beauty of our amazing Treasure Coast. I’m happiest when I’m mixing colors and placing them together in a painting.

It’s my hope that through my love of beauty and color that my paintings will bring a measure of delight and joy to others and the same sense of wonder that I felt as a child when I first “discovered” color.


Product No 4369943
Subjects Floral & Plants, Floral & Still Life
Style Fine Art
Tags Brennan, Marcy, flower, flowers, lily, lotus, water