Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

David Culp, Los Angeles
Member Since June 2006
Artist Statement I create captivating images through rich brushwork and impasto. I paint townscapes and cityscapes primarily on the strength of photographs taken while on bicycle trips to various locales. Cities and towns are presented in many scenes, expressing a vivid poetic presentation. Plastered walls, iron gates, street lamps, rustic lanes, rows of buildings, chimney pots, church spires and grand dark windows are found in my work.

I express a feeling for the beauty hidden in the ordinary and create a delicate poetry within the most insignificant scene - a poetry that can not be spoken. While working at a canvas or panel, I feel like a poet who has expressed an emotional balance, a harmony that is seldom achieved. In our hurried existence we may be distracted by many objects that vie for our attention; the poet-painter, selecting a subject, directs us out of chaos to the supreme state of mind.


Product No 4724047
Subjects Architecture, Houses
Style Landscape
Tags Culp, David, blue, by, cityscape, culp, david, european, green, houses, scene, street