Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Trina Drake, Clay, WV
Member Since February 2008
Artist Statement I'm a hobbyist photographer who loves sharing all of the amazing things that I see day to day. Beauty surrounds us and can be found at any given moment, if we only take the time to really look. As for me, I'm constantly scanning the world around me for the wonders that people often miss as they hurry through their busy lives. My camera is my fearless sidekick and is always nearby, wherever I am or whatever I'm doing.

My skills may not be the highest for taking pictures and my shots aren't always "just right". My new camera confuses me more often than not, but despite these things, I can still share a part of my world, my life and my heart with you. Despite bad lighting, sometimes poor resolution or not-so-perfect angles, you are somewhat able to glimpse the view through my mind's eye.

You are afforded the opportunity see a bit of what I see...the things that I notice, the things which stand out to me...those things that make me happiest in life. My only goal is to bring these to you, allow you to sort of experience what I look at these pictures and get a taste of the emotions that each different situation or photo subject brought me as I was clicking that shutter button.

To me, that's what photography is all about. It is like capturing a memory and being able to share exactly what you saw (and experienced) at a particular moment, to show others your views...whether it be a breathtaking sunset, a beautiful flower, children playing and laughing, raindrops on the pines or an amazing cluster of clouds perched in the sky. Photography allows a person to bare his or her soul to the world, without a word being uttered. That is its beauty and appeal.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my photos. I hope you enjoy what you see.


Product No 796244
Tags Drake, Trina, barbed wire, landscape, mountains, nature, smileytd, sun, sunset, sunshine, trees, wv