Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

M+S Dieve, SanRafael
Member Since March 2011
Artist Statement I often cast back to my roots in the '70s as a small child, during a time radical experimentation and progressive thinking, just before the holdings of the public trusts began to get sold off piece by piece beginning in 1980. It was a different system and a different time.

This idea of different worlds existing in one place fascinate me because once one is aware of this system of reality, one can really see the layers that become imposed one on another and another and another. For this reason, an accident often seen retold differently by different witnesses. The colonization of America is taught as "discovery and civilizing of the wild" but nothing new was discovered and "civilization" happened at the expense of a full vibrant land of nations that already existed. When people walk down the street, how often do we notice the kinds of trees that line the sidewalk?

I strive to exit these tunnels of one doctrine, one focus, and enter these other layers, many of which are visible to others as well but because we don't know what we don't know, they virtually don't exist to many people on different "layers".


Product No 3842524
Subjects Desert, Landscape
Tags Dieve, M+S, art, creative, desert, joshua, nature, sunset, tree