Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Mark Guest, Pembrokeshire - Wales
Member Since June 2009
Artist Statement “The science which relates to the action of light on sensitive bodies in the production of pictures, the fixation of images, and the like. The art or process of producing pictures by this action of light”

I always had an interest in photography as a child and would snap away with a Kodak Instamatic before waiting for the over and underexposed 6 x 4's to come through the door.
As teenager I dreamed of a 35mm SLR and was rewarded one Christmas with and Olympus OM10 and a standard 50mm lens. My enthusiasm grew and my after leaving school with A levels in both Art and Design I moved to London to study Design at Middlesex. It was here that I learned black and white darkroom techniques and continued to experiment with photography to the detriment of my main study area. As the years moved on the digital era was upon us and at an early stage I went to my local camera dealer with my weary OM10 and part exchanged my old friend for a rather chunky Nikon Coolpix compact as I was assured by the salesman that "it would do everything that my film camera could do and more!". After a few months I grew tired of the new fangled compact and splashed out on a Fuji Finepix bridge camera in an effort to span the gaps that I missed with my 35mm. With the increasing number of DSLR's hitting the market I again dreamed of a return to an SLR and returned to Nikon with the purchase of a D50. The Nikon served me well for a number of years before I upgraded to the D80.

Based in Pembrokeshire, West Wales, United Kingdom, with my wife and family.


Product No 2120445
Tags 7, Guest, Mark, cleddau, cs4, d80, elements, guest, mark, nikon, pembrokeshire, wales