Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Patrick France, Denton, Tx
Member Since December 2009
Artist Statement Hello,
Thank you for visiting my gallery. You will notice that my growing portfolio includes artwork from all phases of my development. My life experiences have shaped and changed me over the years. My artwork has always been a reflection of those events. It is the window to my soul and an example of the human condition as I have experienced it. I cannot say that my life has been simple anymore than I can say it has been extraordinary. It is what it is. At times, I created art to escape or forget immediate life events. At other times I used it as a means to capture fleeting moments. Sometimes, I simply had an idea that was too impressive not to explore and manifest through a tangible image. I have included my best works here; those that I feel others can relate to and enjoy.


Product No 2730598
Tags France, Patrick