Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Colleen Bartlett, Hamilton
Member Since August 2010
Artist Statement In grade 8 I won a town wide art contest with a pastel of an old bridge in the centre of town. This impressed my parents so much they sent me for lessons painting oil from a local artist. This lasted for a couple of years then fizzled out as I grew into teenagerhood.
Over the years I started working in acrylics just for fun or family presents.
About 12 years ago I was in a car accident which curtailed many of my normal activities, including work. To kill time I started painting a great deal. When an opportunity came to take drawing lessons in Cambridge I jumped at the chance. This allowed me to get the structure required to start painting animals and people.
When my paintings started to turn up in my husbands burning pile I had to do something and am now on a couple of websites and in some stores. I have joined the Fine Arts Milton Association and hope to sell more work in the next years.
As retirement beckons my dream is to travel North and South America in my RV and paint what I see.


Product No 3355361
Tags Bartlett, Colleen, bugs, insects, race, slow, snails, yellow