Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Toni Roberts, NY
Member Since March 2010
Artist Statement I am a multi-dimensional, creative being in love with life! I honor the Goddess in my self and in all women--and men! We are all, in truth, Temples of the Living Creative Force called God...The Great Mystery...Allah...The Divine...and many other names. Our very DNA contains the name of Yahweh (see "The God Code" by Gregg Braden).

My mission as a woman and artist is to awaken the divine spark within myself and others. My very purpose as a living, breathing being is to serve as a instrument of that which caused me into creation. My body, mind and soul belong to The One.

Do visit my blog at:


Product No 4157976
Subjects Landscape, Nature & Outdoors, Parks
Style Contemporary
Tags Roberts, Toni, central, lakes, landmarks, landscape, nyc, park, parks, water