Description June 2014. The front of the 'Russian Air Tower' built by the Soviet Union in 1976. It was one of the few standing buildings when U.S. took over Bagram.
Chris Christensen, Anchorage Member Since June 2018 Artist Statement Why Adventure Images? I feel life should be an adventure and each of my pictures has a story behind how it came to be. My name is Chris and I have always had the eye and passion for creating art though pictures. In 2011 I purchased my first DSLR camera and pursued learning as much as I could to improve my re-found love for photography. I am originally from a small town in the middle of Nebraska. I lived in Dayton Ohio for 5 years but have called Anchorage Alaska my home since 2012. I served 10 years active duty U.S. Air Force and I am currently a member of the Alaska Air National Guard working in the IT sector.