Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Dana Haynes, Rockford, IL
Member Since December 2009
Artist Statement What Inspired Me
God, the creative Artist in the Intelligent Design of Everything

The Universe, Mother Nature, Time, Energy, Astrology, Philosphoy, Spirituality, Karma, Yin/Yang, Religion, Mythology, Symbolism, Technology, Science, the Mythical, Humanity, People: Men, Women Children Animals & Wild life. Relationships. Patterns & Cycles. Logic & Emotion. The Comedy & Tragedy of LIFE
Muses: Literature, Storytelling, Folk Lore, History, Drama, Song, Dance, Music, Poetry

...♬ ♪ \m|◣ ̪ ◢|m/ ♪ ♫ ♬
Modern Renaissance Studio
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Product No 3184495
Tags Dana, Haynes