Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Member Since March 2012
Artist Statement Hi. I'm RickMOND DARRELL and I love writing poetry. These particular poems will probably be called pro woman. Which they are.But in the bigger picture I feel that these poems are pro human family(By the way, pro woman doesn't mean anti male,it simply means the inclusion of women under the banner of human rights,dignity,opportunities and respect.Pro woman means these things for our mothers,daughters and sisters.And our fathers,sons and brothers continued right to live under the same banner.Now,how could anyone be against this simple common sense fairness?). One small example for calling them pro human family is,when a woman gets equal pay for equal work,which of course she deserves, she brings that pay home. This makes the family stronger.more secure,and many other positive things.You see equality for women really is a better life for men too.Men,we need to understand,discrimination against the women in our family is discrimination against us too. I could give many more examples,but the point is when the women of the family are uplifted to the level of rights the men already enjoy,the entire family is uplifted.On an even larger scale doesn't this mean that if women in each and every family were uplifted ,then the entire human family would be uplifted also. No the world wouldn't be perfect,but things would be better.This is why I say that while these poems are pro woman in a larger sense they're pro human family.So relax fellas.I assure you, I don't believe in a world where women are placed ahead of men.But I also don't believe in this world's way of women being held behind men. I simply believe in the right of women to stand beside men-where they should have always been in the first place! Now, These particular type of poems were floating around my mind for quite a while before I was inspired to actually start writing them at the end of the year 2007.To further explain,DECEMBER 15 TH, 2007 EIGHT THIRTY FIVE ON A SATURDAY NIGHT I LOST MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER to breast c..... when she died in the arms of my older brother.SHE'S MY INSPIRATION. She's also basically the only person who ever called me by the nick name Rick MonddarreLL To pay homage to her I write under this name.Also,when I sign these poems my mother's name is under my name as the production company.I do this because even though these poems were written after my mother left this particular world, is because I like to think of my siblings and I as some of my mother's proudest productions.So in a sense the poems are a least, in part,a production of my mother.It also gives me great comfort to Know my mother's name is hanging from someones wall connected to something positive. THANK YOU- RICK MONDDARRELL


Product No 4822411