Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Toni French, Boca Raton
Member Since June 2011
Artist Statement Inspired by beauty and love, Toni has been creating art for as long as she can remember. She adds creative touches to everything in her life ~ personally and professionally. Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci's genius in mathematics and art, Toni smiles because a brain test revealed that she is both highly left-brained and highly visual. The evaluation went on to say that she often goes into her creative side in order to relax. When Toni read that, she laughed with knowing recognition. Needless to say, learning that she also has an engineering brain was an eye-opening experience.

From her earliest years, Toni was creating art. She won her first Art Contest in Grade School, began practicing the art of Calligraphy at age 12, was invited to contribute a work to a Martin Luther King Exhibit in Washington, D.C., in High School, and sold her first sketch to the High School's Vice Principal. Toni had hoped to go to design school, but instead accepted an academic scholarship to attend a small private college in Virginia with an on-campus population the approximate size of the rural Wyoming town where she lived as a child. Excited, she explored everything of interest in the curriculum. During her first year she was cast in two leading theater roles, and the new-found confidence opened up worlds of possibility. She oscillated between Art, Theater, Psychology and even Law, but eventually chose English as her major when a professor stated, "If you can read, you can be whatever you want." His words represented the freedom necessary for every first-born pioneering spirit. In addition to her studies, the Dean of Students appointed her to edit and design the college yearbook, and the Head of the English Department asked her to edit and publish the student poetry publication.

Toni graduated and began walking 'a road less traveled'. In late summer, she was sketching one evening and began to draw a series of illustrations. Each took her approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. She was unaware of their significance at the time, but often revisited them and dreamed of one day launching them as Note Cards. Years later, she began to share the drawings on Facebook and while naming and describing them, realized that each one voiced her unspoken thoughts. Like da Vinci, she too embedded her own 'Sacred Design' within the art.

Toni entered the job market completely unaware that she is empathic and a gifted Intuitive. Her design style became well-known and commanded the attention of executive, management, and important Clients. Long days, overtime, and many all-night workdays with internal political factions began affecting her well-being. While on assignment in Seoul, Korea, when the company began downsizing in 1992, Toni chose to accept a buyout package upon her return.

At that time, two of her former co-workers became engaged and commissioned Toni to be their Wedding Calligrapher. She was honored and felt it was her calling. An though life took her back into the workplace, a seed began to grow and now has blossomed again to remind Toni that this graceful art form is a wise and lovely path. She looks forward to working with both local and long-distance clientele while continuing to create, design, and write. In her body of work you will notice that she uses realism (left-brain analytical gifts) as well as her own unique style (right-brain creative gifts). The figurines require detail and concentration, so as a balance Toni plays with unique color themes. In her drawings she allows her intuition to freely shape the unique stream-of-consciousness technique. The Art of Calligraphy combines both precision and her natural handwriting style ~ a perfect harmony.

Visit Toni's first website design: (see the LINKS Tab for more sites)

Thank you for your visit today. Toni is honored and excited to share her talents and hopes that you enjoy the work. (Note: She has added Watermarks to the images to protect the integrit


Product No 4179158
Tags French, Toni