Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Elizabeth Lee, Santa Cruz, CA
Member Since September 2019
Artist Statement Thank you for visiting Studio Hozuki!
Art by Elizabeth Lee

I’m Elizabeth—a painter of abstracts inspired by nature, people included! In today's modern, fast-paced world, it's easy to miss smelling the flowers. I create art hoping to inspire people to slow down and appreciate the little things. To me, our day-to-day moments and internal experiences are what truly matter.

I have followed the atypical path of a creator, like a goat winding up the mountain path. I was 17 when I first discovered Georgia O'Keefe's flowers, from a coffee table book in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Utterly moved by her work, a seed took root in my heart. I was burning with ideas that I wanted to express. My medium has changed over the years, but I've always been a visual artist.

I love the meditative process of painting. It's a way to connect with universal aspects of myself. If it speaks to you, I am honored to be able to share this vision! When the dream of my own artist's studio manifested, I was finally able to create with abandon the works presented here.

I named this space Studio Hozuki after the plant which bears fruit in its dying state. This luscious berry symbolizes new life waiting in transition, after a passing season. It holds a deep secret of life for me, that is, hope eternal. There will be a Spring after Winter. Nature has its cycles, and humans belong that, in spite of modernity.


Product No 6527493
Tags Elizabeth, Lee