Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Terry Rogers, Gainesville, Florida
Member Since December 2007
Artist Statement At the young age of 56, I am gradually finding myself becoming comfortable in my own skin. My journey has been quite a cosmic trip. My younger years found me relating to life around me as a 'misfit boy.' Still feels that way oftentimes.

My travels have taken me down a few less trodden paths. I am grateful for the vision that allowed me to see the many fingers pointing in the direction that I was to take...and the open heart to take those steps that led me to my destinations in life.
If has been quite a ride thus far.

I grew up with a father who was an amateur photographer. Every time that he bought a new camera, he passed down his old one to me. I can remember my first one, which was actually a Christmas present when I was quite young...a 'brownie' camera.

I suppose my nicest camera was a German Voigtlander SLR from the 1950's. Unfortunately, I got stranded hitchhiking across country back in the late 70's and had to sell it for pocket money. I think I may have gotten $10. for it. I knew that I was robbed but had no choice!

The past 10 years or so, I have been without a camera as my SLR was damaged and I just decided to take a break for a while. Last year, I received my first digital. It isn't even an SLR but it has renewed my love for the art and given me new vision.

I have realized how much photography opens up my world. It's like having new eyes. It's almost like being blind and then seeing again. I see everything with a new perspective now days. It has been quite wonderful.

Photography is an amazing art form. To me it is a form of spiritual expression. Seeing the world around me as only I can see it but not only that, experiencing the magic of the relationship between the photographer and his tool.

It is true that the camera never lies. My little digital camera has eyes and sees things that I do not. More times than not, it seems that the camera actually took the photo and I had very little to do with the outcome. I know that this isn't totally true but I recognize that a camera sees what is there, whereas I miss so much. The symbiosis that occurs with my camera is so organic. I am always surprised, even though I frame the shot, at the vision that comes forth. It's a growing process...a visual journey. I still have a long road ahead of me.

I always wanted to be a painter but never really had the knack for it. You may find that many of my photographs aspire to be paintings. I love the ability to make a photo look like it was done with paints. I love brilliance and color and striking light. That is just my style. Warhol was one of my favorite artists. His greatest influence on my work was his use of color.

Art in any form is a journey. It is always an attempt to sing one's song, to share one's heart and soul. That is my goal. If I achieve it in one photograph out of one hundred, that magic drives me to continue down this path...

I hope that at least one out of the many will touch you in that way and offer a fleeting moment of appreciation of your own journey, as well.


Product No 613359
Tags Rogers, South Beach, Terry, intercoastal, miami, sunset