Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Peter Mc Convill
Member Since February 2008
Artist Statement Not a photographer by trade or training but (I hope) by inclination. Like a great many in the new, digital era I've bought a camera, taken some photos and now think of myself as a photographer. I'll let other judge whether I'm kidding myself or not.

I'm not one for hiding my photographs away and I've really enjoyed sharing them via flickr. However, the idea of actually getting my photographs into the marketplace, the idea of someone liking one enough to buy one, is intoxicating so I thought I'd try.

I started taking photographs seriously only recently when a few events conspired to remind me that life is short but there's still every chance I wont remember it all anyway. I figured unless I did something about it, all the things I'd seen would slip away, so I took photos, found myself loving it and a new addiction was bedded in. I've given this quick history of myself to give some background to the kinds of photo's you'll see from me - basically its the things I do and see; things I love, hate and just find interesting.

Basically this means a lot of people being themselves, bright colours, buildings, dogs, cars, and bits and pieces of the world as its presented to me. I'm not creative enough to do post processing really well so my photos tend to be relatively "as seen" without a lot of clever effects however I do tend to see the world brightly and in high contrast - so thats generally how my photos turn out.

Well thats about it. I hope you like my photos.


Product No 802745
Tags Mc Convill, Peter