Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Lucy Stevens, Maidstone
Member Since September 2007
Artist Statement I first seriously picked up a camera about 3 years ago. It was an Olympus OM3Ti which I loved - and still do! She may be old but i still get tremendous shots from her. I currently work with a Canon EOS 1V - my pride and joy. One day I got sick of seeing all these gorgeous skies, sunsets, scenery, ironic scenes and not being able to capture them. So I got given my Olympus and a 35mm Bible and I worked away at it myself experementing and working on my style. I now go out travelling about taking pictures of skies, scenes and people doing everyday things. I do weddings as well which if the clients are willing gives me great creative workspace to try new things.
Photography is one of my greatest passions. A lot of my photos make me smile and to even bring a smile to one other persons face would be an immense achievement so I am giving others the chance to buy my work her as well as privately.


Product No 273019
Tags Lucy, Stevens