Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Marian Graham-Holloway, Savannah, Georgia
Member Since September 2009
Artist Statement My subjects are mystical and whimsical while all are marvelously fun to create. I do not necessarily choose them as they often choose me. I think the reason for this is that the human psyche is so deep rooted in mythology with its many dimensions. My art celebrates life and all mythological facets.
My inspiration comes from the intrinsic connect between nature and the repeatedly found innocence of humankind. Somtimes I think my viewers enjoy being pleasantly surprised as they relate to these creatures. They are not distortions of nature or natual beings, they represent real humans while still having the aura of fantasy surrounding them.


Product No 4127364
Subjects Fantasy, Mythology, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Tags Graham-Holloway, Marian, creature, dragon, mythological, winged