Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Antonio Goncalves, Lisbon
Member Since February 2015
Artist Statement If you are tired of reading long winded artist bios, you came to the right place!
I am going to take a wild stab here and guess that you are an art lover.

So, as a fellow art lover, I am going to spare us both from the long artist bio that try’s to prop me up to sound like more than I really am.

I am just a regular guy that makes art everyday. I am honored that some people respond positively to my work and completely understand that it is not for everyone. I do what I can and work with what I got.

Over the years my work has been used in both print and web publications. I have participated in many group and solo shows.

My artwork currently resides in collections all over the world.


Product No 5569270
Tags Antonio, Goncalves