Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Daniel Scott, Axminster
Member Since July 2010
Artist Statement I am Daniel and live in east devon UK with my partner Hana
i like to take pictures of anything that catches my eye so my albums rarely have any theme to them. I sometimes manipulate images to get the best from them but when I do I state so in my image description. There's always a story behind any image and there's nothing better than a long walk with my camera.

I hope you enjoy looking at my images. if there is something you would like and you don't see it here feel free to ask As I can always do commission work.
If you really like my stuff please like it and follow my profile for future inspiration.

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Product No 5218862
Style Decorative
Tags Lyme, autumn, daniel, regis, rocks, scott, sea, seaside, ship, tall