Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Gabriela Romaria, LONDON
Member Since December 2009
Artist Statement The art, in all its forms, had influenced my whole life. Each of my paintings reflects the feeling I had at a specific moment of time.

The great painters who influenced my style are: Klimt, Picasso, V. Van Gogh, the Asian painters who represented Buddha and aboriginal painters from Australia.

I like the paintings where the life’s forms aren’t draw in a rigid and fix way, where you can play with them as you like…

I like to have the liberty to express myself, to transmitte an inside feeling, an idea, a thought…

As a Mathematics Teacher, I love geometry with its forms, more or less abstract, which, I think, had influenced my style of painting, too...

From where I was young, I had a talent for painting, which I had inherited from my dad who used to paint in his free time. During the school time I remember the teacher asking me to give her one of my watercolor painting to can show it to expositions which took place in our town. After 15 years it did happen to become colleague with my own art teacher... She still has my painting and she still exposes it when an even took place in town... I was very surprised and it did make me so happy...

When I was student at the Babes – Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, at the faculty of Mathematics, I felt the need to feel my spare time with my old passion, painting... So I find out about a school where I can go and study…It was the Popular School of Art from Cluj-Napoca, very famous and had good and enthusiastic teachers, who inspired me more... I was drawing a lot, doing reproductions after the still nature, painting nudes after a real person (which was fun!) and I was studied the History of Art too.

When I finished the Faculty Mathematics, I stopped from painting too as I totally dedicated myself to my new profession: a mathematics teacher! So, During 7 years I taught thousand of children mathematics and computers, too, but I was still thinking of my old passion, painting, and I was still waiting for a time when I can practice it again! I have to thank you now to all those people from my life that made this think possible!

One year ago, in 2007, after a visit at The National Gallery of Art from London, the desire to paint it did relight again inside of me. I was dreaming now of painting a lot, to fulfill all the dreams I had through the years, and to can, finally have my own exposition.

“Great things are not done by impulse, but a series of small things brought together.” said Van Gogh and here are a few of them.


Product No 4264228
Tags Gabriela, Romaria