Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Leigh Langman, Tustin, CA
Member Since June 2008
Artist Statement I am a Pro Photographer "Wanna Be" without the patience or time to learn all kinds of tools and techniques! I just follow my eye, my heart and my instinct on what I think will photograph well and sometimes I get lucky!! I love to photograph and thing outdoors, anything nature, anything with color, texture or a sense of wonder. I especially love to photograph flowers, trees, water, mountains, rocks, bugs (particularly butterflys and dragonflys), birds etc. I also love to travel to far off interesting places where I can learn about different cultures and appreciate what they have to teach me about life. I love to try to tell stories through my photos. it is a privillege to photograph Nature and admire Creation. I hope that my photos inspire us to preserve this amazing natural world for generations to come. I also hope that my travels and storytelling through photos of other Worlds- people, culture, architecture, and Environment inspire us to love and care for Eachother as neighbors as much as we take care of the nature around us.


Product No 1119800
Tags Langman, Leigh, hawaii