Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Jeremiah J "GrayBeard" Richards, Woodbury
Member Since July 2011
Artist Statement NaturEscapes Photography is a passionate company. NaturEscapes Photography, photographer Jeremiah J "GrayBeard" R. I've had a passion for nature since I was a wee lad, and even as a wee lad I was running around taking in all in, and playing with my cheap little film camera, which half the time didn't even have any film.

I started getting serious about photography when I was in my 20's, and haven't stopped since. I have had a few down times, but even then, whenever something caught my eye, I grabbed my camera and started shooting.

I prefer the wild, untamed, untouched by human hands wildlife around us, but occasionally dabble in people, and domesticated pets too. There are so many amazing and eye catching things around us that we take for granted, or miss, due to day to day responsibilities that tend to consume our days.

I love weather...the nastier, the better the shots. I am still working on the perfect shot of lightning, but without the needed gadget, I have to just be at the right place at the right time to catch it.

My equipment? Thought you'd never ask. Nothing crazy special, I use a Canon Rebel XT, and A Canon Rebel XTi. I prefer to shoot in manual, for better lighting control.

Anything you may see on here that is licensed for sharing or not, if you feel drawn toward something, contact me, and we can work something out. I hope one day to have some of my work used in magazine ads, or published in someones book or article.

I have been published in a book, Tennessee Barns. I was honored as well as super stoked to have my work used.

I have always wanted to work for National Geographic, or a comparable company, but experience wise I am not ready. Still a lot to learn.


Product No 4075562
Tags Jeremiah J "GrayBeard", Richards, arizona, butterfly, catalinas, mountains, pollenate, proboscis, thistle, thistleflower