Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Anne Berry-Smith, Adelaide
Member Since November 2008
Artist Statement My husband and I are avid travellers (about to set forth again!). I am certainly not a professional photographer but enjoy taking lots of shots to remind me of the wonderful places we have been fortunate enough to visit (900+ on the last trip to Italy). I currently work in the finance industry where I have been since leaving school many years ago - working full time does not allow us the freedom we would like to do more travel but its one of those never ending circle things - work to travel etc! I am also crafty and enjoy putting my hand to lots of different activities, beading being one of them.

Our daughter moved to Kununurra, hence the catalogue of photos about that wonderful place.

This year we have done Hong Kong, China and Singapore - the whole family came along including our 14 month old grand daughter and it was an absolutely awe inspiring trip - just whetted the appetite to return and explore further.

We have now been fortunate to travel once against this time for seven weeks, first to a wedding in Germany then through Eastern Europe. This included a ten day self drive tour through Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro, followed by a week in Turkey. What an absolutely amazing part of the world...once again just enough to make us want to do more.

What a great big wonderful world we live in, travel certainly broadens ones horizons and gives a much greater appreciation of this place called home, which is Australia.

I hope you enjoy my galleries. I would love feedback, good or bad as I really do enjoy sharing our experiences via photo.


Product No 1537396
Subjects Italy, Landscape, Places, Weather
Tags Anne, Berry-Smith, Passignano, clouds, fog, gubbio, italy