Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Member Since August 2011
Artist Statement I am female, fifty three, and I am and an artist, poet, writer, calligrapher, paper sculptor, pop up art creator, origami folder and I suffer from an emotional illness called bi-polar/schizo-effective disorder. I use my talents as coping skills to help me to deal with the symptoms of my illness.

I am also very nearly totally reclusive, having chosen just shortly after my official diagnosis...and the reaction of people when they learned of my withdraw as much as possible from a world that apparently felt that I had no worth or value whatsoever.

My artwork, for the most part, is created directly on the computer using a few simple programs that I have and a mouse. But, not trying to sound big headed, given the fact that I have arthritis and mild hand tremors, I don't think I do too badly.

I am hoping that by my stepping up and taking a chance in not only letting the world know the truth of my disabilities, but also my rather humble attempts at art, untrained though I might be, that others like myself who also suffer emotional or mental illnesses but who have amazing talents may also gain the courage to share their visions as well.

And believe me, there are more like myself out in this wide world than one would think...and often they go unnoticed, unseen and unappreciated, their works lost to the world simply because of the stigma attached to our afflictions.

I do never have, do not now, nor ever will seek sympathy for my illnesses, all I ask for is the same respect that so called "normal" people are accorded, and a chance to prove that despite my disabilities and differences that I do indeed have something to offer this weary world of ours.

So, with that said, i hope I will be welcomed on here, and that at least one or two of my rather primitive offerings may find favor with at least someone.

marantha jenelle


Product No 4144697