Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Lisa P. Young, Stuart,Fl
Member Since September 2009
Artist Statement Being the daughter of an artist, I have been around and involved in art all my life. Like a lot of artists I got my traditional training in drawing and painting skills and struggled to master water colors. Never that happy with what I was doing artistically, my art skills were pushed aside for other life pursuits. Choosing the more financially secure route, I obtained my degree in business from Florida State University and followed the corporate path in marketing, first with Xerox and then later ending with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Along the way I was always playing around with my art. I never took it serious, but my innate sense for creative expression was always coming out. And its probably why as a corporate suit, I never felt like I was doing what I loved. But none the less I made it work. I was bored with my art until, at the encouragement of my dad, I took a mixed media course under Pat Dews. I was hooked. I couldn't get enough of this "new" way of art. I loved the freedom and the play, and the feel of the new acrylic mediums. It was magical! Imagine the discomfort of a "secret artist" masquerading in suits,pantyhose,and pointy toe shoes in the summer in Florida.....!!! Can you see how much fun that could be!
It took the sudden deaths of 6 loved ones, and 3 direct hit hurricanes over a 2 year period to get me to re prioritize my life and change directions. During that period, I lost my husband and then 18 months later my lifelong best friend Patty Harden Boshel, lost her brief battle with pancreatic cancer. It was during my last visits with Patty that my purpose in life changed dramatically. Suddenly selling more Lipitor or Viagra was not as important. I thought, what if my life had been cut short as Patty's was, I would never know the passion and creativity that resides in me. I will always be grateful for that gift of clarity. So on September 1st of 2005, I left the financial comfort of Pfizer and took a leap of faith into the wacky world of art. And finally, at last, I have found where I belong.

I currently work in acylic inks,gels,paints,and gesso applied with pallet knives and brushes in lots of layers. Sometimes I put textile or paper materials onto the canvas among these many layers, to give more surface texture and dimension. And the colors I use are intense, bright, and pure. I very rarely mix colors on the pallet. I usually mix and layer on the canvas. What happens, is the piece then entices not only a visual response but a tactile one as well. I love pushing acrylics and playing with new materials. I just love what I'm doing. I've often said that if I'd worked this hard for Pfizer I could have been the CEO!
I will always paint and live my life with gratitude, purpose and passion in honor of my friend Patty.


Product No 3251862
Subjects Abstract, Color, Gestural, Irregular Forms
Style Abstract
Tags Lisa P., Young, abstract, turquoise