Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

PawPrints Gallery, Hilton Head Island
Member Since July 2011
Artist Statement I am a graphic designer that has found another art medium in photography.I am totally self taught in both areas. Check out my website at to see my graphics portfolio.

My creative eye always leads me to nature and the great outdoors. I am absolutely enamored and fascinated with nature. My subjects are found in forests, pathways, marshes or just walking my dogs. I could stand in one place and find a million (that's a bit dramatic) photo opportunities....spiders, flowers, trees, lizards or clouds. Needless to say a short walk can turn into hours!

I choose the name PawPrints Gallery because watching the wildlife around me makes me seems to me that bugs, birds, reptiles or bunnies get along. My home page photo is a definite testimony to that thought. "Best Friends" is the title of that photo and features one of my rescued golden retrievers Doug, and one of my cats Deuce....they really are best friends and make me smile and laugh out loud on a daily basis!

I'm not so concerned if you like or dislike my photos, rather I would like to know why you like a photo or why not? Contact me and let me know!


Product No 4091139
Tags Gallery, PawPrints, forest, green, vines