Description Will, in 'Old School' painting. THE ART OF YOUYES! I do commissioned portraits and art. For more examples of my commissioned work click the 'Galleries' tab at the top of my main site and then click the 'Rubino Commissioned Portraits and Art' icon.Want a reasonably priced, custom portrait made of family members or friends? Or do you or a loved-one have a special interest.... favorite; hobbies, celebrities, sports teams, pets, inspirational themes, foods, beverages, or anything else? Let's work together to commemorate whatever is special to you with custom art. They make great, and reasonably priced, gifts and we're only limited by our imaginations. Email me: rubinocreative@aol.comLet's collaborate to create 'the art of you!'
Tony Rubino, New York Member Since January 2014 Artist Statement Cool. Original. Affordable. Ready to hang. Welcome. Here you'll find some of my “fine art” pieces: stuff that seeks to comment on pop culture, celebrity, nostalgia and the current melees' of information received through technology. As a syndicated, daily-newspaper cartoonist, some of my work expresses my joy and love of comic art and my frustration at remaining a relevant pop artist in a progressively ailing industry. I achieve these goals by using a combination of, humor, iconology, parody, association and dichotomy — fused and juxtaposed to create high quality drivel. Don't hesitate to contact me if you'd like me to sign your print. I'm also happy to do custom portraits and commissioned artwork. In addition, color palettes can be changed on any of the prints you see here in order to fit the needs of your specific decor. Just ask and I'll make the adjustments. Rubino Creative Solutions "Daddy's Home" Comics "Daddy's Home" T-Shirts and Gear Other T-Shirts and Gear Books