Stretched Canvas

Modern Lines

Contemporary White

Natural Clear Maple

Unframed print

Ron Green, Woodland Hills CA
Member Since August 2017
Artist Statement My name is Ron Green.

I have a BA in Graphic Design from The University of Washington. I'm also a writer. 
Therefore, to satisfy my soul, I create digital collage/paintings made up of text, original paint, 
and modified photographic images. 
My influences include Hieronymus Bosch, Robert Rauschenberg, and Mad Magazine.

Like most artists, I was very young when I began drawing. I graduated from crayons to number 2 pencils,
then to charcoal, India ink, oil paint, acrylics, sculpting, collage, and found-object assemblage.
Finally, in 1994 I bought my first Apple Macintosh Computer. 
And, the heavens parted to reveal a chorus of angels — celestial beings
 composed, entirely, of 1s and 0s. Yes friends, I had discovered the ultimate artist's tool.
A tool without limitation; The Computer.

Now, my goal is to create expressive images which, on closer inspection,
are comprised of small vignettes, each one, powerful enough to stand on their own.



Product No 6136258
Tags Green, Ron