ErnieEchols ErnieEchols commented on February 22, 2010
Nicely Done!!
Orsillo Orsillo commented on February 23, 2010
Well done, John!
PaulCoco PaulCoco commented on February 23, 2010
Wonderfully appealing to the eye. Well done.
Albertphoto Albertphoto commented on February 25, 2010
Very nice.
sharonmau sharonmau commented on July 19, 2010

Aloha John, you are invited to add your lovely image to Aloha Hawaii Nei Aloha 'oe, Sharon Mau

sharonmau sharonmau commented on July 20, 2010

Aloha John, thank you for submitting your image to Aloha Hawaii Nei. Beautiful work, it isn't easy getting a good shot of a hanging Heliconia in it's natural habitat. One needs to set up a background, other wise the beautiful bloom is lost in a tangle of stems and leaves of varying stages of decay. I have taken the largest leaves, those which are about 10 feet or higher and used them in a loose arrangement behind the bloom, and even with the natural raindrops, they are still not quite right. So, your idea is one I have also been considering, replacing the background completely. And your rendition is a beautiful creative piece. It should be very popular as a greeting card and a print. It would be nice with text as well. It is lovely with the white layer background. Aloha 'oe

johncorney johncorney commented on July 20, 2010
Aloha, Sharon. Thank you for taking so much time to visit my galleries and to write such an encouraging comment. I wish I could enjoy it in its natural habitat. You are lucky!
sharonmau sharonmau commented on July 20, 2010
And the text you used is fantastic, it is a beautiful choice of font, so perfect for the tropical theme.
sharonmau sharonmau commented on August 09, 2010